Monthly Archives: March 2018

Long time, no write.

Life has a way of…happening. With or without you. It’s been a long time since I looked this blank screen in the face. So long the format has changed. The internet is a place where these things live on whether you want them to or not. I could never bring myself to take this page down. I poured a lot of heart, wine and words into the posts on here and I guess I was hoping someone, somewhere was still getting some benefit out of the information. And if I’m being honest, I always hoped I’d find my way back here. If you’re just checking this out for the first time, I used to write weekly, then I didn’t. Good god, I wasn’t even on Instagram when I stopped writing. The horror. Now it’s my favourite social platform and part of the reason I want to revisit this page – my stories are getting too long to share on Insta.

IMG_0966.JPGI’m going to come back to putting words down here regularly. Bear with me, it might be a bit of a rocky ride at first. I should have some good stories to share though. My plan this year is to start the WSET Diploma. My god, my stomach drops just typing that out. Scary shit. For those that know what that means, you know. For those that don’t, I’m basically going to crawl into wine books and bottles and not come out for a couple of years. I plan to study more than I’ve ever considered studying at university. Intense is likely the best word to sum it up.

I’ll leave it there for now. Check back soon for a refresh and words about wine, or adventure, or my personal favourite, both!